A note from the founder

I was studying and flipping through scripture on the topic of beauty and found the scripture Zachariah 9:16

"The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock...

The words jumped off the page and my heart leaped. I began to research of all the beautiful, unique facets of each jewel and I am His Jewel began to form.

With I am His Jewel, God placed a call on my life to ascribe His value on young girls and women—to encourage them about their tremendous worth. I hope to inspire women everywhere to be the brilliant, bold, and beautiful—to find their value in God their Father and to shine with all their might for Him.

I am His Jewel has been used for middle school and high school girl retreats as a tool to show each young girl their value and worth. The I am His Jewel cards have been distributed at women’s conference’s all over to help women of all ages know they are His precious jewel.

Thanks for stopping by. To learn a little more about me, visit my page or head to the store for the latest I am His Jewel swag!

You, daughter of the King, are His Jewel! Go be Brilliant!

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